
Who owns the water?

The answer from the perspective of U.S. law is that those who live around it along with future generations do.  This is the central premise of Public Trust Law that holds local residents to be the owners of surface water and their elected officials as the trustees of this valuable legacy.  The decisions that elected officials make about shared water should benefit the public and ensure its viable future.

Indigenous traditions do not see water as something that can be owned by the public or by anyone else.  Instead water is a life-giving mother and a relative who sustains you and whose health you treat with great care.  From this perspective, water, fish, trees and other living things are relatives who should not be harmed or commodified.

Whatever your perspective on water, it is something on which your life depends and your community requires for self-protection and future possibilities.  By reclaiming it, you can assert your right or your relationship with water and engage ways of preserving it and adopting practices of mutual benefit.

Keep water public

We are witnessing two broad trends in municipal water systems. The first is disenfranchisement of the public from its drinking water and sewer infrastructure. This occurs through water shutoffs to homes for non-payment; lack of bill affordability; the contamination of drinking water; unpublished and incomplete water quality reports; deregulation of water pollution; and crumbling water infrastructure. The second trend is privatization in which the municipality and the public loses control over their water systems. This occurs through the bottling of water by global corporations and selling it back to residents at inflated prices. It also transpires when corporations take over water and sewer systems. Most municipalities privatize because federal funding has been slashed by 74% since 1977 and because they do not claim ownership of the revenue streams from public water.

The tragedy is that private corporations tend not to fix the sputtering systems. They often run them into the ground leaving residents with higher bills, less public accountability and lead pipe crises (often from transitions to ‘cheaper’ sources of water, as happened in University Park, Illinois in 2019). Worst of all, the municipality loses significant revenue as the corporations reap record profits. For example, as the State of Illinois faces massive budget shortfalls, the private corporation (Illinois) American Water has achieved an all-time high of profit shares. This is, in part, due to laws that enable water corporations to increase their profits by acquiring new water and wastewater systems. Listen to The Water Chronicles podcast for a deep dive into water privatization in Illinois.

Keeping water public involves ensuring that water is affordable. Advocate for a water affordability plan in your city or town. We the People Detroit, US Water Alliance, Food and Water Watch can all help in understanding and creating a water affordability plan.

Freshwater Lab alum Karen Yates created this storymap to understand The Water For All Ordinance in Chicago.

Chicago residents: See if you qualify for utility billing relief.

If your town, city or region’s water is run by a private corporation, then you can join the push to remunicipalize water systems, which means bringing them back under public control. This has been done successfully in cities around the world, consistently leading to savings for both municipalities and their water customers. It often brings other social benefits, including improved public accountability and transparency, more equitable water access and increased investment in water system safety.

Keep water clean

Lake Michigan and sources of drinking water across the planet face three main perils:

  1. Industrial pollution (also known as point source pollution): pours in through a pipe or when a factory or refinery malfunctions and spills.  The Clean Water Act limits the piped pollution that factories can dump in water.  Although we are rarely informed of them, spills are fairly frequent.  This can lead to chemical exposure and public health risks about which the public knows little.

A group of Lake Michigan surfers, for example, became sick through exposure to hexavalent chromium from an U.S. Steel factory spill. They took matters into their own hands and initiated a struggle with the corporation to limit its pollution of Lake Michigan.  

  1. Runoff (also known as non-point source pollution): You may have noticed the changing nature of rainstorms.  Due to climate change, precipitation can take the form of a rain event in which a high volume of rain falls in a short period of time and overwhelms the built environment. Think of the trash and the oil slicks on the street, rain can wash this into your drinking water. 

An even more serious form of runoff comes from industrial agriculture, which looks to eke the highest yield and profits out of the lowest investment. This occurs largely through the application of fertilizers that spur growth with concentrated nitrogen and phosphorus. As the building blocks of life, nitrogen and phosphorus cause plants to grow rapidly. When the rain carries them into bodies of water, they fuel harmful algal blooms that can make water undrinkable and inaccessible.

When it comes to animal agriculture, we are seeing the rise of Concentrated Area Feeding Operations (CAFOs) where meat and dairy products are produced by concentrating the highest number of animals in the smallest area. In order to keep yields high, these animals are often pumped with antibiotics and steroids. Furthermore, untreated animal urine and feces run into rivers and lakes, contaminating drinking water and contributing to harmful algal blooms. You can also learn more about CAFOs and advocate to keep CAFOs out of your watershed.

  1. Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO): Rain meets underground with the water used in homes and businesses when there is a combined sewer system like in Chicago. When all the water sent down the drain meets with water from a rain event, it can quickly exceed the caverns and quarries built to hold it. There is nowhere else for the water to go but up into streets and basements or out through outfall pipes into the river and lake. During severe rain events, a plume of untreated sewage can feather out from the Chicago River into the Lake Michigan water supply.

We can keep water clean through regulation of pollution at the federal, state, city and neighborhood levels. Although environmental regulation has recently been politicized, the signature Clean Water Act was born of bipartisan agreement that safe water benefits everyone.  Resist a deregulatory agenda that looks to confer yet more money to a handful of industrialists at the expense of the greater good. States have the right to implement water regulations that surpass the federal Clean Water Act. It is high time to do so around the Great Lakes!

Keep water here

There are a number of ways in which we can describe where we live: our neighborhood, our city, our state or our country. Such descriptions of place follow lines of property, zoning and transportation. You might also consider your place in terms of watershed. Residents of a given watershed have shared interests in keeping their drinking water as safe as possible.

You can explore your watershed by using The Freshwater Lab’s Source-Path-People tool.

Water and watersheds are highly localized.  For this reason, people have historically lived around sources of water.  History also shows processes of transferring water to certain places (like the suburbs) or to certain enterprises (like factories).  Mapping where pipes run also outlines who has power.  Transferring water from one place to another requires considerable money and energy.  In an era of collapsing watersheds, it is vital to keep water within the Great Lakes basin so that it can support ecosystems and communities.

Across the globe, we are seeing the collapse of watersheds due to climate change and over extraction. Along with keeping an eye on the quality of your water, pay attention to water quantity. Which sectors receive the biggest piece of the water pie? Which communities receive the least amount of water at the highest cost? If water use persists at current rates, then how much will be left in five, ten or fifty years?

The Great Lakes basin contains over 20% of the world’s fresh water, but it is not immune to depletion. The Great Lakes Compact oversees how much water is allowed to leave the Great Lakes basin. It is a vital piece of legislation that protects the interests of Great Lakes residents.  

Learn about the Great Lakes Compact and share how it can be implemented and improved in the future.